Category Archives: Strength Training

10 Minute Fat Burning Circuit

Controlling your intensity during a workout may seem like an odd concept. But if you’re always pushing yourself to the maximum, you’re burning carbohydrate as your fuel source. Your body predominantly burns stored fat as its fuel source during a long steady state exercise. Intense exercise is great as it promotes muscle building and your body will burn calories later in the day during recovery.

Join me as I do a 10 minute basic fat burning circuit and let’s burn some fat together. All you’ll need is a jump rope and a step. Let’s do 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest for this circuit.

JOG (20 seconds)
We’re going to start out by jogging in place for 20 seconds, slowly getting your heart rate up.

Rest (10 seconds)

JUMP OVER THE ROPE (20 seconds)
If you have a rope, put it down on the floor, in a vertical line. If you have tape, you can tape down the rope. And if you don’t have a rope, you can just use an imaginary line. Once the rope or imaginary line is in place, jump from side to side, over the rope.

Rest (10 seconds)

Now you’ll need your step. Step up onto your step, drive up with the knee, step back down. Alternate sides. You could always add weights to add some resistance. Always remember to step with your foot in the middle of the step.

Rest (10 seconds)

TRICEP DIPS (20 seconds)
We’re going to do tricep dips on the floor. Sitting on the floor, feet are apart, lift yourself up using the tricep muscles. Do these dips for about 20 seconds. You just want to make sure that you push yourself and feel the muscles in the back of your arms working.

Rest (10 seconds)
Jump back up onto your feet. Breathe it out.

POWER JACKS (20 seconds)
Power jacks are simple jumping jacks but they include a squat hold. Make sure you sit your body weight back in your heels when you hold. Make sure you’re working your glutes and hamstrings.

Rest (10 seconds)
Get back down on the floor because we’re doing abs next.

TOE TOUCH ABS (20 seconds)
Lie flat on the floor with arms out. Then we’re going to touch the toes, opposite arm to opposite leg. Be careful as you twist, try to keep your back nice and flat on the floor.

Rest (10 seconds)

ICE SKATERS (20 seconds)
Last exercise of the circuit is called ice skaters. Step to one side, then step to the other side, like you’re skating on ice. Make sure to slightly lean forward.

I’d like you to try to do this circuit three times through. But remember one time is always better than no times. I hope you enjoyed this fat burning circuit. Have fun putting together your own circuit using your own favorite exercises. It’s important, especially if you enjoy endurance based sports to become an efficient, fat-burning athlete. Building lean muscle mass in my opinion is the best way to burn fat long term.

Samantha Clayton, fitness expert and former competitive sprinter.

Chest and Back Workout

Over working the mirror muscles, the ones that you can see?! Get on your way to a fit body with this new chest and back workout from Samantha Clayton.

With our modern lifestyle, sitting at a desk all day, it’s very common for people to have weak back muscles and tight chest muscles. Although I will often say my back muscles are tight, in fact usually the opposite is true. They’re overstretched and my chest muscles are tight. Why not warm up and then join me as I do a balanced body chest and back workout. You’ll need a set of dumbbells that are a nice weight for you.


To start, pick up your dumbbells. Make sure you stand in athletic stance with feet just slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, slight bend in the knee. You’re going to hinge forward at the hips and let the weights hang down to the chest. Then pull the weights to the chest and back down. Pull up and back down in nice, controlled motions.


Let’s go onto our press. Bring the weights to the shoulders and then push the weights up front, turn the weights out and come back down. It’s really great if you don’t go directly overhead. Make sure to keep a nice tight core, athletic stance with a very slight bend in the knees.


Now let’s take it down to the floor and do a plank row. To do this, get into a plank position, but hold onto one weight. Keep your hips square, the wider the base the better. Hold on to one weight, pull the elbow back, and then lower into the floor. Switch sides.


Now, we’re going to do a pull over on the stability ball. So first, get into position by sitting on the ball, holding the weights either side. Slowly walk your feet out. Make sure the ball supports your upper back. Simply bring the weights back and lift the weights up. You’ll feel your triceps working. The whole time, you’ll have to make sure that you keep the core tight. Come out of the position the same way you went in—just walking your feet up.


Next exercise is the chest fly. Again, you’re going to need two weights and slowly roll back out again. Find that comfortable position, supporting the neck, making sure your core is tight. Make sure your eyes are looking up high and slowly bring the weights out, and bring them back together again. After you’re done, always make sure that you slowly come out of this move.

After this first set, stand up and have a little stretch out. Take it from the top and go through again focusing on form. Do 12 of each exercise, try to do three sets. I like to go from exercise one to five, and then repeat it. But if you prefer to complete one set of each exercise before moving on to the next, that’s fine too. Be sure to complete a full warm up before every workout. And always allow time to stretch afterwards. Finally, master each exercise using light weights. And only increase your weight as you become comfortable. It’s important when you’re in the gym to address both the front and back of your body.

Samantha Clayton, fitness expert and former competitive sprinter. I’m working with Herbalife to help you achieve a healthy, active life.